It is that time of year. Spring has arrived and with it colleges and universities will be conferring diplomas on seniors and grad students. I love this time of year. I know it won't be long that my "commute from hell" from Chelsea to Belmont and back again will be a bit easier as the schools close for the summer.
Another reason I love this time of year is the fashion design departments have been hard at work putting together fashion shows.
I am pleased that I will be attending Lasell's undergraduate show tomorrow night and the senior show Saturday night. Details.
Next up is attending the graduation at the School of Fashion Design on May 7. I am pleased that graduating designer, Candice Wu, a finalist in the BSO's Project Beethoven has personally invited me and my partner in crime for all things fashion, Kathy Benharris. Thank you Candice! It means a lot to be asked! Details.
Another big honor for Kathy and me is we have been asked to serve on the judge's panel for the fashion event held by Mt. Ida at the BCA on May 8. Yes. Kathy is going on mom's sacred day to help judge but we both couldn't be more thrilled. Details.
So if you want to see some of the talented folks coming out of the fashion design programs that will be helping you look beautiful in the near future, check out some of these shows!
They promise to be exciting, spectacular, and lots of great energy.
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