Thursday, November 11, 2010

Aaron Huey: America's native prisoners of war | Video on

No other medium tells a story quite as effectively as photography. An image allows the individual to respond emotionally and linger over the contents. A moment in time to absorb its meaning and leave an indelible impression in the mind's eye.

There are no simple answers to such an egregious wrong that has resulted in the suffering of indigenous people. Aaron Huey has provided an uncomfortable study for us to not simply watch, but has asked for a call of action to right a wrong.

Long overdue.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Waiting for Godot

Everyone Forever Now - "Stoop Sitting" from Everynone on Vimeo.

Sitting on the porch is a lost art. I seldom see my neighbors through the course of the day. We are too busy running off to work or off to spend money on things we don't need.

When I was a child, centralized air conditioning was rare. The summer heat would often drive people on to their porches in the evening which created many impromptu social interactions.

I miss that stronger sense of community sitting on the porch provided.